4th Sunday of Advent
Schedule for the week ahead
4th Sunday of Advent 21st & 22nd Dec
Saturday Vigil 7pm Slane Frank & May Rooney. Pat & Mary Crinion. Annie & Kathleen Wogan. Richard, Kitty, Delia & deceasded members of the Reilly family. Liam & Phyllis Reilly. Jim & Kathleen White & their grandchildren baby Paric & baby Frank. Maisie & deceased members of the Leavey family.
Sunday 9.30am Monknewtown
Sunday 11am Slane Christy & Bridget Mongey. Nicholas & Kathleen Roche. Harry Woodward.
Monday Adoration 10am-12pm & 7pm-9pm.
Confessions: Monknewtown: 7pm - Slane: 7.30
Tuesday Christmas Eve
Mass Monknewtown 6pm
7.30pm Slane Christmas Carol Service.
Slane 8pm Lily Connor. Eileen Fitzpatrick. Christy, Josie & Bernadette Mimnagh. Deceased members of the Nulty & Boyle families.
Wednesday Christmas Day
Monknewtown 9.30 Maureen & deceased members of the Lane family. Paul Heston. John, Bridget & deceased members of the West family.
Slane 11am Paul Heston. John, Bridget & deceased members of the West family.
Thursday St. Stephen’s Day Mass 11am
Friday Mass 11am Adoration 7pm – 8pm.
“Once in our world, a stable had something in it that was bigger than our whole world.” C.S.Lewis
Wishing you a Blessed Christmas & New Year.
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary & Joseph 28th & 29th Dec
Saturday 7pm Vigil Slane
Sunday 9.30am Monknewtown Michael, Peggy & deceased members of the Smith family.
Sunday 11am Slane
Monday Adoration 10am-12pm & 7pm-9pm.
Tuesday Mass 7pm
Wednesday Mary The Holy Mother of God Mass 11am Brendan Collins. Matthew & James Collins.
Thursday Mass 9am
Friday Mass 9am Adoration 7pm - 8pm.
2nd Sunday After Christmas 4th & 5th Jan
Saturday 7pm Vigil Slane
Sunday 9.30am Monknewtown Aine Stewart.
Sunday 11am Slane Patsy & Elsie Lane.
Please pray for Marian Hickey, recently deceased. R.I.P.
New Years Eve Adoration 10pm to 1am
On this eve of the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God, we invite you to spend a few minutes or an hour with Him, marvelling at God’s greatest gift of all, His Son, our hope of eternal life with Him, & giving honor & glory to His Blessed Mother & ours.
Envelopes: White €480 Blue €75 Baskets: € 475 Thank You for your continued support.
New Rota’s for Ministers of the Eucharist & Readers will be available soon. If you need to be taken off the rota, please let Fr. Richard know. We are always looking for new people to get involved as ministers & readers. If you are interested call the parish office 041-9824249. We would be delighted to have you.
Confessions before Vigil Mass & upon request.
Sick & housebound will be attended the First Friday each month.
The Singing Group practice on Wednesdays from 8pm to 9pm in St. Erc’s Oratory. They generally sing at the 11am Mass in Slane on a fortnightly basis. New members welcome
Collections at all masses: 14th December / 15th December
White envelopes: €480 - Baskets: €475 - Blue envelopes: € 75
Many thanks for your continued support.
Parish Envelops – Please contact slaneparish@gmail.com if you have any inquiries.
Note Please check with the priest before booking a wedding venue to make sure the priest & church are available before committing to your choice of place for your reception.
Graves; - there has been an increase in recent weeks of waste material been taken from graves & left behind headstones. Please take whatever is taken of your graves home with you.
The Holy Rosary will take place after 9am mass on weekdays.
Alone aims to help reduce loneliness and isolation through a weekly home visit from a Befriender, To avail of this service or make a referral contact Francis at 086-1085965, or email volunteer@alone.ie
Finance Thanks to those who continue to contribute & support our parish by baskets, weekly envelopes, direct debit & our new Click & Donate facility currently available online at www.dioceseofmeath.ie. It is hoped to provide this on our own Website ASAP
Your financial support is vital to the maintenance and ongoing presence of the church in our community.
Please make cheques payable to Slane Parish
Standing order forms are available upon request and in the sacristy.
Links on our parish website
These might be of help to parishioners. Click here.