First Sunday of Advent

Schedule for the week ahead

28th Nov /29th Nov 
Sat. Vigil 7pm.  
Sun. 9.30am. 
Sun. 11am.  Tina Kennedy (nee Finnegan).
Tue. 7pm.  
Wed. 9am. 
Thur. 9am. 
Fri. 9am.          All on the parish list of the dead.
5th Dec/6th Dec 
Sat. Vigil 7pm.  Sean McEvilly.
Sun. 9.30am. 
Sun. 11am.

Please Note:

Meeting of the PPC Tuesday 1st Dec at 7.30pm in St. Erc’s Oratory.

A date with Jesus

ADORATION will resume soon on Mondays from 11am to 3pm, opening with the Holy Rosary & closing with the Divine Mercy Chaplet.


As there are no regular basket collections there is no weekly update. However, all contributions are accounted for. Thanks to everyone who continues to contribute & support our parish by envelope, direct debit & our new Click & Donate button that’s now available online at

Cheques can be made payable to Slane Church Building Fund. 
Standing orders available in the sacristy. 

Many thanks for your continuous support.

Links on our parish website

These might be of help to parishioners. Click here.


Second Sunday of Advent