The Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Schedule for the week ahead

Saturday Vigil 7pm Slane Mary Brien. Fatso Colfer. Bridie Duff. Richard Crinion. Phyllis & Aidan O’Brien. Patrick Wogan.

Sunday Monknewtown 9.30am Micky Smith. Luke & Jim Halpenny.

Sunday Slane 11am Deceased members of the Caraher family. Nick & deceased members of the Dillon family. Peggy Rielly.

Monday Adoration 10am-12am & 7pm-9pm

Tuesday Mass 7pm

Wednesday Mass 9am

Thursday Mass 9am

Friday Mass 9am Adoration 7pm - 8pm.

Christ the King 23rd/24th Nov

Saturday Vigil 7pm Slane

Sunday Monknewtown 9.30am

Sunday Slane 11am Tina Kennedy.

40 Hours Adoration in the Cathedral Christ the king Mullingar beginning with Mass at 7:30 pm on Friday, 22nd November.  Adoration will continue throughout the weekend, concluding with Evening Prayer and Benediction at 4:00 pm on Sunday, 24 November.  This will be a very prayerful and grace-filled time for our diocese as we celebrate the titular feast of the Cathedral. The parish of Slane has been allocated 2pm on Saturday 23rd November to sit with Jesus in Adoration.

 In this month of remembrance, we pray especially for those who lost their lives on the Hill of Slane. May they rest in Peace.

Confessions before Vigil Mass & upon request.

First Friday Calls The sick & housebound are attended this Thursday because of Holy Day Masses on Friday.

The Singing Group practice on Wednesdays from 8pm to 9pm in St. Erc’s Oratory. They generally sing at the 11am Mass in Slane on a fortnightly basis. New members welcom

Collections at all masses: 9th/10th Nov

White envelopes: € 420 Baskets: € 460

Many thanks for your continued support.

Parish Envelops – Please contact if you have any inquiries.

Note Please check with the priest before booking a wedding venue to make sure the priest & church are available before committing to your choice of place for your reception.

Graves; - there has been an increase in recent weeks of waste material been taken from graves & left behind headstones. Please take whatever is taken of your graves home with you.

The Holy Rosary will take place after 9am mass on weekdays.

Alone aims to help reduce loneliness and isolation through a weekly home visit from a Befriender, To avail of this service or make a referral contact Francis at 086-1085965, or email

Finance Thanks to those who continue to contribute & support our parish by baskets, weekly envelopes, direct debit & our new Click & Donate facility currently available online at It is hoped to provide this on our own Website ASAP

Your financial support is vital to the maintenance and ongoing presence of the church in our community.

Please make cheques payable to Slane Parish 
Standing order forms are available upon request and in the sacristy.

Links on our parish website

These might be of help to parishioners. Click here.


Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe.


The Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time.