The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. (Copy)
Schedule for the week ahead
Saturday Vigil 7pm Slane Joe Ledwidge. Eileen Nangle.
Willie, Anna & Sean Kerrigan. Tommie & Sheila Walsh.
Sunday 9.30am
Sunday 11am Sonny Gallagher.
Monday 10am to 12pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
Tuesday 7pm No Mass.
Wednesday 9am No Mass.
Thursday 9am
Friday 9am
Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Saturday Vigil 7pm Slane James Smith-Collins.
Sunday 9.30am
Sunday 11am Noel Tully.
50th Anniversary of the East Meath Pioneer Region
The 24th September 2023 will mark the 50th anniversary of the East Meath Pioneer Region.
To celebrate the occasion Mass will be held at 3.00pm in the Church of the
Nativity of Our Lady Johnstown, on Sunday 24th September 2023.
This will be followed by dinner and social evening in the Ardboyne Hotel, Navan.
Music by Matt Leavy. Tickets €30
Presentation of Pioneer Silver, Gold, and Diamond Emblems and
certificates will be made on the day to eligible members, if you are due one of these please let us know.
Tickets are now available from the regional committee, and from local
Further information available from
Jim 0876501915 and Mary 086 3592636 Chris 087 6766586
First Friday Calls The sick & housebound are attended every First Friday. Please let Fr. Matthews know if you wish to be included or perhaps a family member, even for a short time.
Note Please check with the priest before booking a wedding venue. To make sure the priest & church are available.
Blessing of the Graves
20th August Hill of Slane & St. Erc’s cemetery starting 2.30pm.
Spend Quiet Time with Jesus. Adoration every Monday 10am to 12pm opening with the Holy Rosary & closing with the divine Mercy Chaplet. All Welcome.
The Holy Rosary will take place after 9am mass on weekdays.
Alone aims to help reduce loneliness and isolation through a weekly home visit from a Befriender, To avail of this service or make a referral contact Francis at 086-1085965, or email
Come and sing with us!
The Slane Church Singing Group gathers on a Wednesday evening from 8pm-9pm in St. Erc's Oratory. Why not come along and sing with us? We welcome all including men. If you are interested, please contact Eilís on 087-6694829.
Thanks to those who continue to contribute & support our parish by baskets, weekly envelopes, direct debit & our new Click & Donate facility currently available online at It is hoped to provide this on our own Website ASAP
Your financial support is vital to the maintenance and ongoing presence of the church in our community.
Please make cheques payable to Slane Parish
Standing order forms are available upon request and in the sacristy.
Links on our parish website
These might be of help to parishioners. Click here.