Palm Sunday

Schedule for the week ahead

Sat Vigil 7pm Christy & Josie Mimnagh. Special Intention

Sun 9.30am No Mass

Sun 11am Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Geraghty & Souls of deceasd eraghty & Devlin families in Slane, Collon & Lobinstown Cemeteries. Kevin Dunne. Bernard & Jane Finnegan. Willie & Maura Vaughey & family. Imelda Poole nee Finnegan who died 7th. March in England.

Tuesday 7pm

Wednesday 9am.

Holy Thursday. 7pm. Mass of the Lord’s Supper.

Good Friday. 3pm. & 7pm. Veneration of the Cross.

Easter Sunday

Sat. Vigil 7pm Nicholas & Kate McConnon & Maree Russell.

Sun. 9.30am No Mass

Sun. 11am Tom, Babs & Phil O’Brien. Carmel & Tossy Caffrey & Joss

Eilish Smith. Margaret Kearns.

 A date with Jesus

ADORATION will resume when the current Lockdown Restrictions are over. The Church remains open for private prayer.


Due to the absence of Public Worship this past year there are no regular basket collections and therefore there is no weekly update. However, many of you have continued using your envelope and for this I am most grateful. Thanks also to those who continue to contribute & support our parish by direct debit & our new Click & Donate facility currently available online at It is hoped to provide this on our own Website ASAP

The envelopes for 2021 have been distributed. With a view to cutting costs only those whom we have recorded as Donors will be given a box of envelopes, this consists of about one third of those eligible to contribute, however a box of envelopes will be available upon request to anyone.

Please note that we have suffered a substantial loss in income this past year, your financial support is therefore vital to the maintenance and ongoing presence of the church in our community.

Please make out cheques payable to Slane Parish 
Standing order forms are available upon request and in the sacristy.

Accounts for 2020 are now ready for auditing.

CHY3 Forms are to be distributed this week, please sign and return ASAP.

Please note that the signing of this form will have no implications regarding your tax paid to Revenue and will be of huge benefit to the Parish.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Links on our parish website

These might be of help to parishioners. Click here.


Easter Sunday (Copy)


Fifth Sunday of Lent