Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Schedule for the week ahead

Saturday Vigil 7pm Paddy O’Connor (M.M.)

Sunday 9.30am Mitchell Family. Tom Cassidy.

Sunday 11am Margaret Johnston.

Tuesday 7pm

Wednesday 9am

Thursday 9am

Friday 9am

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.

Saturday Vigil 7pm Leslie Crinion.

Sunday 9.30am

Sunday 11am

Priesthood Ordination for our Diocese

On Sunday 17th  July,  Rev Barry White, from Rathkenny in Co Meath, was ordained priest for our Diocese, in the Cathedral of Christ the King, Mullingar by Most Rev Tom Deenihan, Bishop of Meath.  

In his homily,  Bishop Deenihan commented that “ Barry as a successful young man who was offering himself in service to the People of God would be seen to be countercultural.”  The new Fr Barry, in the homily for his First Mass of Thanksgiving reflected, “ "As a newly ordained priest, I look out onto a new horizon in my life, and I will journey across uncharted waters, into the unknown, in and with the Church in Ireland, coming to terms with rapidly changing times and challenges. In these times of transition, the hope and strength of the priesthood rests on the solid foundation of the Eternal High Priest, Jesus Christ, who is “the same, yesterday, today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8): Jesus Christ, who stretched out his arms on the Cross, as a priest offering prayer and sacrifice, dies and rises, opening the doors to eternal life.”"

Let us pray for Fr Barry and that many more young men will answer the Lord’s call to serve as priests.

Blessing of the graves

Sunday August 7th Monknewtown 2pm, Dowth 2:30pm & Fennor 3pm.

Sunday August 14th Hill of Slane 2pm & Slane 2.30pm.

ADORATION every Monday from 10am to 12pm. Opening with the Holy Rosary & closing with the Divine Mercy Chaplet. All welcome.


Thanks to those who continue to contribute & support our parish by baskets, weekly envelopes, direct debit & our new Click & Donate facility currently available online at It is hoped to provide this on our own Website ASAP

Your financial support is vital to the maintenance and ongoing presence of the church in our community.

Please make cheques payable to Slane Parish 
Standing order forms are available upon request and in the sacristy.

Links on our parish website

These might be of help to parishioners. Click here.


Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.


Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time.